"No!" by Thomas Hood

This poem is entitled "No" by Thomas Hood

  No sun-no moon!
                No morn-no noon-
No dawn-
            No sky-no earthly view-
                No distance looking blue-
No road-no street-no "t'other side the way"-
            No end to any Row-
              No indications where the Crescents go-
                No top to any steeple-
No recognitions of familiar people-
            No courtesies for showing 'em-
             No knowing 'em!
No traveling at all-no locomotion,
No inkling of the way-no notion-
             "No go"-by land or ocean-
            No mail-no post-
              No news from any foreign coast-
No park-no ring-no afternoon gentility-
            No company-no nobility-
No warmth, no cheerfulness, no healthful ease, 
No comfortable feel in any member-
No shade, no shine, no butterflies, no bees,
No fruits, no flowers, no leaves, no birds,

*Available on public domain
